These are all globs and perhaps a bit arcane. * `scopeAttributes` - The value is added to the scope of the current file. The default is `$TM_DISPLAYNAME` but could e.g. * `windowTitle` - override the window title. This affects `TM_PROJECT_DIRECTORY` and default folder for ⇧⌘F. * `projectDirectory` - the project directory, generally set to `$CWD` in a `.tm_properties` file at the root of the project. The language is defined by Apple, I can extract a list (but depends on installed spell checkers). * `spellChecking`, `spellingLanguage` - Enable/disable spelling and set language. * `softTabs`, `tabSize` - Presently can only be changed this way, but there should be some memory added to Avian. * `showInvisibles` - Sets the initial value. Presently these two keys are required to override font, but there will be a font option in the _View_ menu, so this is only for special requirements. * `fontName`, `fontSize` - Name and size of font, e.g. * `theme` - UUID of theme, presently unused but will be back, and should allow name of theme as well (use _View → Themes_ to change theme - remember to install the Themes bundle). * `useBOM` - Used during save to add BOM (for those who insist on putting BOMs in their UTF-8 files). * `fileType` - The file type given as scope, e.g.

Load encodinng heuristic is likely going to change. This will be used during save but is also fallback during load (when file is not UTF-8).

* `encoding` - Set to the file’s encoding. Mainly makes sense when targetting specific globs. (Yes, the action says launch, but if an app is already open Alfred will switch to it instead.* `binary` - If set for a file, file browser will open it with external program when double clicked. Connect the Hotkey command to the Launch action by moving the mouse pointer over the side of the hotkey and clicking and dragging the small 'knob' that appears over to the launch action.ĭo the same for TextMate and you're done, having two shortcuts to switch to the application you want.Find Terminal in the Finder and drag it into the empty list and click Save.Again using the round '+' button, add an action 'Launch Apps / Files'.Set the Hotkey to whichever key combination you want to use.Using the round '+' button in the top right corner, add a hotkey from the Triggers menu.Fill in the Workflow name, for example "Switch to Terminal" and any other info you want and click Save.Add a new, blank workflow using the '+' button at the bottom of the window.If you use Alfred and have the powerpack, setting up a workflow to switch to a specific application is easy.